Bling bling!
They are the legendary heritage of two young lovers clouded by tragic fade. Lavinia Schulz and Walter Holdt did not just create the famous dance costumes corresponding to the „Triadic Ballet“ by Bauhaus-artist Oskar Schlemmer. They also performed wearing them on the popular artist festivals in Hamburg during the 1920s. The costumes, made from heavy colored canvas and various household items, demand a lot of power and real sportive energy from the dancers! In contrast to this, our shrinked version feels like a feather to wear on your earlobe.
You'll need:
- Motives from MK&G Collection Online
- Printable shrink film and compatible printer
- Scissor and a hole punch (if you have)
- Oven
- Earhooks

Edit the chosen motive on your computer to your favorite colors and size. Consider that the printed image will shrink about 50 % whereas the colors will be twice as intensive. Print them inverted on your film and let it dry.

As you see, our print is a bit pale on purpose. Cut out your motive roughly. Take care – the colors are not very scratchproof yet.

Now concentrate on cutting out the exact shape of your motive, leaving some millimeters space to the edges.

Use a scissor or hole punch to make a tiny hole in the film to attach the earhook later. Following the manual from your shrink film packaging, leave the film pieces in your hot oven for a few seconds. Watch them shrinking like magic!

At last, turn your shrinked and cooled down wonder pieces into fancy earrings by threading in the earhooks. Your new fashionable accessory is prêt-à-porter! (Images: Marleen Hemmert, Friederike Fankhänel/ MKG, CC-BY 4.0 SA)
Did you know?
Naturally, your shrinked creations can also serve as pendants for nifty necklaces or catchy keyrings. Do you have more inspiring ideas?