Flower power in paper
The photographies by French pictorialist Emile Joachim Constant Puyo of flower girls in romantic places perfectly suit as templates for everlasting blossoms. According to the aesthetic movement of the 1900’s, they convey the feeling of blissful harmony. Made out of paper they do not need any further treatment like water oder sunlight (yay!).
You'll need:
- Double sided print-out
- Green floral wire and tape
- Round glass or compasses
- Pencil and scissors, circle cutter
- Glue stick

Print out your favorite images on both sides of the paper and mark circles.

Cut out the circles.

Fold one circle once in the middle.

Repeat this folding for a second and third time.

Now cut off a small piece from the paper top to create a tiny hole for the floral wire.

Round the other side of the paper. When you now unfold the paper, it blossoms into petals. For more texture you can pinch the petals a bit more into shape.

Cut out one chosen petal (as it is marked in our picture).

Fold the circle in and stick the two endings together to close the gap. Your blossom is completed!

For the flower stalk, take a piece of the floral wire and pull it through the middle of your blossom. Bend a small loop at the inner ending.

Fix the stalk and the blossom with a piece of floral tape at the bottom of the flower.

Done! Repeat the procedure for three or four times - ready is your bunch of flowers. Besides, this tutorial is inspired by the DIY blog on Photojojo.
Did you know?
For more variety try out different circle sizes for your blossoms, cut different petal shapes or use colorful print-outs! Send your creations to studio@mkg-hamburg.de, we would be happy to share them here on the page!